(All changes are going to be in bold and italics)
As part of our Year 10 humanities course, we are able to research a project of our own choice, and to create an outcome to showcase at a final exhibition in Term 4. The topic I received was history, and my inquiry question is “What was the process of colonizing Australia like?” This could expanded into different sub-topics like “What were the conditions on the boats like” or “what sort of crimes got you sent to Australia”.
I will be making an exhibition booth which would aim to give the viewers the knowledge of what it was like to live as a convict back at that time in an interesting and engaging way. I plan to have items from that time which has been passed down my family brought in so the audience can physically feel and visualise what it was like back then. I am thinking of presenting my area with a powerpoint with different sections so it is easier to follow. A way I’m thinking of ordering it is in chronological order (but I’m not 100% sure yet), so it shows how people went from being arrested and sentenced for their crime, to being sent to Australia.
1. Brainstorm ideas and processes
2. project timeline
3. E-portfolio
4. researched and written small summaries
5. citations
6. Changing information from notes into usable/presentable text
7. Draft check the text and start planning presentation
8. Review past parts of the project to make sure I could improve overall.
Term 3 Week 8
Brainstorm ideas, get topic, plan ahead
Term 3 Week 9
Start research and find good sites and start bibliography
Term 3 Week 10
Continue doing bibliography and research, and submit eportfolio
Term 4 Week 1
Finalise research, format information into a script or someway to present, start thinking of how to present in the booth
Term 4 Week 2
Work on how I would present and add more to the presentation
- Research skills/Inquizative:
- Creative thinking
- Organization
- Resilient
- Self-aware
How would I improve these skills?
Inquisitive: I would require this skill for this project because it would drive me to dig for all the possible information and allow me to answer my inquiry question to great depth, and give the viewers a good experience. This skill is essential for a research project like this, and it would be improved because I would have to filter out all the unnecessary stuff and make sure I get the key points so it is interesting.
Creative thinking: Creative thinking is going to be needed for this project because for my booth to stand out from all the others around me, and all the other projects in the past, and really make it ‘pop’ because it is so unique. There are going to be many people there, and many different projects, so for people to spend their time and attention on my stuff, it has to attract their eyes.
Organization: This is probably the most important skill for this project because without it, I won’t finish this to the quality or quantity that I want. If I am not organised, I will be distracted and end up rushing everything I need to do at the end, meaning it will be done badly. If I work efficiently, this project can be done well and quickly, so I can then use my time to improve on finer details.
Resilient: I need to be resilient because it will mean I can continue to work even when I face problems and adversity. For a project this important, I can’t allow myself to slack off, and strength of mind and resilience is going to be what keeps me going.
Self-aware: Self-awareness is an important skill to have if I wanna complete this task well, because it will assist by keeping me on task. It will also mean that I don’t have unneeded stuff that just makes the project slow and boring, and being aware of what I’m doing is needed for this.


I tried to scan the image but I couldn’t because of technical difficulties (Mrs. Kirkham said it was fine)
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