Cameron Anthony's Student Portfolio

Online Behaviours

 This was an incredibly beneficial health unit, in which I learnt a lot about online safety and behaviours, such as using respect, integrity, empathy and courage when online, using critical thinking before you do something online to see how it will affect you or others, and what we can do to improve our safety and behaviour online.

     At school every-day, we are encouraged to Respect, Empathy, Integrity, and Courage in all that we do. I try my best to employ these values at all times. But  this unit also taught me to use these important values when online. It gave me a new frame of mind. Although I never used to text hurtful messages, I now understand the importance of staying respectful. I only look at websites that are positive, or watch YouTube videos that are appropriate and kind.

     Critical thinking is an important skill to use, online and not. Lesson 2 on critical thinking was a very beneficial lesson. It is a skill in real life that can transfer to staying safe and positive online. I learnt that, when I’m about to post something, I should think about how it will play out, how it will affect me or others in the future.  But critical thinking would also be a valuable skill to employ when you encounter an issue, for example cyber-bullying. This skill can help to do the right thing, and the best thing for the victim as well.

     The first lesson, the YeS Project, was about safety online. I believe that as we move forward in time, this is an even more valuable skill. Tech is getting more advanced, and cyber-bullies or hackers are, as a result, developing more ways to access your information and harm you online. It feels good to know that there is a movement like the Young and eSafe project, to help spread awareness about this.

     In conclusion, this unit in health had been advantageous in more ways than one. Implementing the values of ERIC online is a simple framework we can follow to stay positive. I learned how to more effectively use critical thinking when encountering an issue. Finally, I learned about general safety online. Clearly, this unit will affect my action for the better, now and into the distant future.

I made a mind-map (At the Top) to summarise my thoughts.



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