Project Utopia Reflection

Learning Area Connections

ASC capabilities: During this whole process one of the most important things was to be organized. For me, the sustainable house project taught me to be more organized because we had to create an excel chart about the objects which would make our house more sustainable. This involved organization because we had to section each sustainable item in the chart to make it more understandable. One of the most challenging things was staying resilient because during all the tasks it was hard to believe that I was going to hand them all in on time. The easiest thing for me to do was show leadership in the time my group members weren’t. This involved completing the work which we were assigned and planning for the week ahead. These projects helped me learn to communicate with my classmates without being scared or nervous to interact with them.

Geographical Concepts: In geography we had to write 7 cards about the geographical concepts. One of the cards was environment. This card told us about what to look for in a place based on the environmental quality. But the most important one for our Utopia Project in my opinion is sustainability. Sustainability means to maintain a healthy environment by using objects such as solar panels. This is important to our utopia because our main feature was an idea that would make our utopia more sustainable (green alleyways).

Civics and Citizenship: We chose a Republic for our system because if we wanted a liveable society then we would have to give people the right to vote for a leader to represent them.

Sustainability: We tried making our utopia the most sustainable it could be. With that goal we looked for materials which could act as a sustainable object such as foil for solar panels.

UN Global Goals: During innovatED we researched the importance of the 17 global goals. This benefitted our knowledge and gave us a clearer understanding of what the perfect society would look like.

Public Speaking Skills: We were given an opportunity to hold a showcase for our parents/guardians. We had to talk to a lot of adults we never met before. This gave us a sense of what it would be like when we are older and talk to people of all different ages.

ImageModel Building: During the long process our group came up with more sustainable ideas which would help to make our Utopia more liveable for citizens. However, our placements of the buildings would be inconvenient because there were busy buildings next to suburbs. This would disturb the house owners.


What went well

In my opinion I think creating the constitution was the part that went the smoothest. I think this because we all felt like we did the equal amount of work and we all came up with great ideas along the way. The constitution allowed me to get to know my 2 group members more and now I would say we all are good friends.

What could we have done better?

We could have started building earlier. If we built earlier then we could’ve fixed up some of the big mistakes such as how we made the green alleyways last minute and how inconvenient the placing was, we also misplaced most of our buildings causing us to have less room to put other buildings. Another thing we could’ve done slightly better was communication because we didn’t communicate as much as we had planned. This caused us to be behind on majority of our work.

What would I do differently?

If I had the chance I would’ve changed the placement of the buildings. The reason is because where we placed the house wouldn’t be convenient for the people living in that house. This is because they are next to our towns main buildings meaning it would be loud and always crowded. that would not make the homeowner satisfied with what they have purchased or rented.

Aspects I found challenging

I found communication hardest because if we needed some information, we were not going to be guaranteed an immediate reply. Another challenging part was building the buildings because we were all having a little argument about who’s creating what. This caused us to be very behind.

What I enjoyed most

I personally enjoyed the showcase best. I enjoyed this the most because I learned a lot about how to communicate with people I had never met. In my opinion being able to communicate with people you never met is important because it gives you a sense of adulthood. I also enjoyed the whole constitution process because it allowed me to discover my passion for Australia’s history.

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