Pasar Malam

At the beginning of every year, ASC holds a family and friends event called the Pasar Malam. This is my favorite nonsporting event and here is why. The Pasar Malam includes food stalls, music, stalls where you are able to buy market like items, watch culture like performances such as dancing.


InnovatED 2019

Innovated this year has been quite enjoyable.

We did a large variety of different activates including technology, crafts, and research tasks.

My favorite part of this year innovated was cleaning up rubbish in the lake and bushlands. We got to develop many new skills such as communication, teamwork, creativity, and more skills to help us complete our singular and group tasks. The main skill I have developed is creativity because I had to think really hard for the activities and to problem-solve to complete our duties.





Dance :)

Dancing is my passion and I have been dancing since I was 4 years old. When I was four years old I started off with the styles Ballet and musical theatre. Then I added on with jazz and tap for a few years. Now I continue with acrobatics, Jazz and Hip-hop and lyrical. I love dance because no matter how I feel I can always enjoy it with any emotion. When I was little I went o MSJ Productions but now I go the Dance Collective and it is my second home. TDC has a concert every year. This year I am participating in the Teens concert in three dances. At the ending of all concerts at TDC, all the dances and choreographers make their way to the stage and perform a group finale dance. There were challenges on the way of learning our dances and if we had to change something in our performance and it was not our choice we still have to cooperate with everyone to make changes.