$20 Boss


This term we started a new project called $20 boss. You may be wondering why this project is called the $20 boss project. It is named this because you must begin with $20 to build a business and to make a profit. The $20 boss project was quite challenging for my group and me as we had a copyright issue which caused us to have problems with creating our business. It was quite difficult to find a unique and different business and do not have the same ideas as other groups and already existing businesses.


At first, I thought this project would be easy and easy to think of a unique idea. Then my group and I did not get the go-ahead with our business, so we were stuck and had to brainstorm ideas and pretty much restart. I began in a group with Luke and Ayden. We struggled to think of an idea that was different from others and that could be useful and not go to waste. We came together with an idea to create brochures, pins, and magnets and the teachers did approve this. This was our last resort, but we were not passionate about our idea. I decided to change groups to Jas, Pearl, and Annas group where they were creating Album covers for room décor. I really loved this idea and we began to start prototyping and thinking of designs. Then we came to an issue and we could not be able to go ahead with our main idea due to copyright. We had the choice to use other photos, but we realized it would not be very well time consumed as we would have to get people to send through the photos for us to work with.



As we were in a group, we had to be collaborative. The main part of being in a group is to work together and to all-out effort and input in our work and businesses. Secondly, we also had to be creative. Creativity is the way to think of designs and ideas. Collaboration and creativity work very well together if we all put the effort in and work together to put something great together. Our group/s could have worked better in collaboration as not everybody put a large amount of effort into it. Next time I will work harder on my communication as I was absent for one week which caused me to feel like I was not apart of the group. I came back the next week and I was a bit lost so this is why I had moved groups. When I moved groups I was not passionate about their idea so I decided not to continue with the $20 Boss project.