Kalbarri; English

Year 9 camp was a memorable and great learning experience for everyone. The trip to Kalbarri was an amazing learning experience for everyone. I learn multiple things that I will certainly use everyday at school and as I get older and as I become an adult. The main abilities we used at camp were teamwork and leadership. Another is to be able to communicate. This is a vital part of socialising. We are surrounded with people at school, in public and at work. At camp in our groups, they were like teams. If we don’t work together, we won’t get activities done. The little things at camp mattered most to our groups. For example, our food. We all had these massive bags that no one wanted to put any extra food into because we would have to hike with it. This is where communication came in as we had spoken to each other asking each other what we all have in our hiking bags, so that we can all carry a fair even amount of weight on our backs. If we had not used communication effectively here, we may of misplaced or lost food resources which means there may not of been enough food for everyone to have. Another extremely important situation to work as a team at year 9 camp was when we did the climbing activates such as rock climbing and ab sailing. If we did not work together as a team serious injuries  and or accidents could of occurred. Luckily everyone used their leadership skills by listening to one another and communicating effectively and clearly so there were no accidents in my group.