MUIR 2022

My main goal for Muir was to be as involved as I could in this subject. I highly enjoyed this subject the first time I did it which was last year and chose it once again as I enjoyed it so much. This year in Muir we completed a unit each in Orienteering, snorkelling and archery and I enjoyed them all very much.


Orienteering was the first unit we completed in Muir this year. We learnt the basics as well as how to put Fred in the shed. After weeks of practicing in and around the school, we went for a trip to Jorgensen’s in Kalamunda for a day trip. It was a warm day and we got to go adventuring around the bush finding different codes.


Archery was a very exciting and fun unit to complete in Muir. We had an instructor named Mary who taught us how to shoot and guided us to improve each week. Every week our targets moved further away to challenge us with our skills.


Snorkelling was our final unit of Muir and was by far my favourite one! We swam in the pool at school to improve our fitness and snorkelling basic skills which then lead us to a day at Coogee beach. It was a bit of a cold day but we all put our wetsuits on and pushed ourselves to get into the water and ended up having an awesome time.


This year the Muir elective got a new activity added into it. We got to spend 2 days in Rotto. We arrvied off the ferry and went for a walk to out first snorkelling spot. We rotated between our 3 classes and got to go for two long snorkels each. Before dinner we did an amazing race which was so much fun just walking and exploring the island. Then we had our BBQ dinner and we all got to sit down with our friends and chat. We got a lot of down time which made the camp so relaxing and more fun. Before bed we went to the oval next to our tent set up and ran around and had lots of fun. The next day we went to the Basin for our snorkelling session. Before leaving Rottenest we went to the Bakery and got some food.

Overall I had a great time on this camp and highly recommend choosing Muir as a subject.