English Capabilities

This year in English, I have had many opportunities to showcase and develop numerous skills. For English task 6, we were tasked to write and perform a section of a play in small groups. Throughout this assessment, my group was posed with countless challenges which we had to overcome. This assessment helped to develop many of my skills, especially problem solving due to the number of challenges my group faced. The first challenge my group faced was actually getting started. We decided on a main topic quickly, but it took awhile for us to generate any ideas. It also didn’t help that I was sick for almost 2 weeks which set us back tremendously. When I returned to school, our group was well behind, so we made a quick decision for our play idea and got started on our script straight away. We also overcame this problem by staying after school and working on our script to make up for the class time we lost.

Another problem my group encountered was character roles and stage directions. We had 4 group members and 7 characters to play. This meant that we would have people playing multiple characters which posed the problem of letting the audience know someone had switched characters considering we had limited costumes and props. For this to be possible we would need a backstage where we could change characters. We had been doing most of our preparation outside so with the time before our performance edging closer, we realised where we were working was the perfect place to perform our play. Our main stage was in front of a high wall which acted as our backstage. In one of our scenes. I had to disappear from the stage as if I were sneaking out of my house. The high wall was perfect as I could vault over the wall and wait for my next entry. Task 6 helped to develop my problem solving because my group encountered many setbacks which we had to adapt to.

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