Dylan Sikorski
Student ePortfolio
- Traditional drawing evaluationSix weeks of progress into my self portrait Although my artwork is still a work in progress, I’m delighted with the significant progress I’ve made throughout this course. I’ve managed to execute shading quite well, effectively highlighting the distinctions between different skin tones and shadows, although there is room for improvement in achieving smoother transitions.… Read more: Traditional drawing evaluation
- Keys for LifeRAC bstreetsmart excursion: The RAC bstreetsmart excursion was an event which hosted schools from across the city which aimed to show future drivers the hazardous and dangerous behaviours they have to look out for when they are driving, and teaches them how to avoid them. To me, the excursion really helped me visualise and identify… Read more: Keys for Life
- Engineering Challenge: Earthquake-resistant buildingsProject overview: For our final assessment in Science this year we were put into groups and instructed to design and construct an earthquake-proof tower made entirely out of spaghetti and bluetack. Our tower also had to meet the following set of criteria: Is quick and easy to assemble Has a minimum height of 60cm Has… Read more: Engineering Challenge: Earthquake-resistant buildings
- Global Goals and Innovation through STEMIntroduction to the course Global Goals is a class that teaches students how STEM can be used to foster innovation and develop their capabilities. Students will then use these newly learnt skills to contribute to 1 of the United Nations sustainable development goals. I chose to enrol in this elective because I am passionate about… Read more: Global Goals and Innovation through STEM
- Semester 1 Year 8 AquaponicsFor Semester 1 we worked with the school to create an aquaponics area at All Saints College. Our goal was to revive the dead area that we were given and to turn it into a flourishing part of our community that produced fresh produce for the members of our community to enjoy. Aquaponics is a… Read more: Semester 1 Year 8 Aquaponics
- Fixed & Growth MindsetMy Fixed Mindset: My fixed mindset is Art, specifically paintings. I always hated going to art museums because I felt like the artists didn’t put much effort into the paintings and just painted random shapes and called it art and then sold it for like 2 million dollars. I don’t blame them tho if I… Read more: Fixed & Growth Mindset