Visual Art – Apple Painting

In year 9 I chose visual arts as my elective and we painted an apple.  When I first heard we were painting I was a little scared as I have not painted before and was worried about it as I have only ever done drawings. Before we started our painting we practiced blending and mixing the colors to develop the skills we needed for the apple. During this, we developed our own color wheel so we understood the blending and mixing.  we also experimented with the color that we would need in our apple and tried blending and creating all the colors.

After this, we chose the apple we were going to paint.  First, we took photographs using a professional camera inside a booth with the black ground so the apple would pop out clearly. We took photos at 3 different angles and finally, we chose our best photograph to replicate in our painting.

During the painting, I found the paint dried too fast and this stopped blending the colors. I had to repaint over the top of the first apple because it did not look like the photo and my second attempt also did not look like the photo. In the end, after a lot of trying and experimenting I fished and it does look like an apple but I am just not 100% the same. This painting experience taught me that everyone has their different painting style and that I have to accept mine and use it to my advantage. I quite like my painting style but I also think it would be great to learn more and trail more on how I can improve and change my style.

I think overall i enjoined the experience even tho at some points it did get a bit frustrating but I think I was being very resistant and problem-solving throughout this project.

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