Communication: A journey to success

Communication, the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. It also is an important and continuously used skill within workspaces and communities. I have found that Task __ English has improved this skill to the point that it is well equipped for future endeavours.

Within this task, we were prompted to create a dramatic piece on a group in society through context. The group consisted to me, a friend, and some acquaintances from within the class. We all had our set goal, to perform well on this task. So, we started collaborating on the piece.

I first set up a Teams collaboration and chat, so we could all voice our ideas, communicate feedback and edit efficiently.

It took the group a while to become comfortable with one another, but after having more face-to-face discussions, we realised our common interests. We all decided the piece would be on prejudice of the LGBTQIA+ community as it was a passionate subject to all of us.

Communication was key to this task as not only did we have to communicate our point to each other, we then had to communicate our point to our audience. We also had communicate who was doing what task for the presentation, and who was performing which character for the performance.

I grew from this performance as my communication skills had to be improved for this task to go well. In the end, through using good communication skills, our point did come across to our audience, and by using collaborative platforms improving my communication, we all scored well within the test.

This capability enabled me to improve my work and myself and I will continue to contribute this skill today and in the future.

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