Spaghetti Tower Task

The final stage of this task is to produce an e-portfolio entry to summarise the engineering process.

Your e-portfolio should have the following parts:

This project was very hard to meet all the requirements needed. Our tower met all the requirements but lacked how stable it was. Our tower was very unstable and breaking lot when we left it overnight. It took us a long time to get the right type of building with was the best. We did a lot of research to come up with our design.

When designing the tower we would use builds that are made for earthquakes, to better enhance the chance of our tower not falling. We did some trial and error when testing our first design, and at the end, we had around 3 to 4 different designs with our last one being the most successful. We would draw an idea of how our tower would look like, then we would build it and then test it, if the test goes wrong or we can’t build what we drew, we would change it to make a similar design from the drawing. Then we would see of the new design works or not.

Teamwork and collaboration:

Our team teamwork is all about communication and working as a team. I think we split our work quite equally, even though most of us were away. We had a team group chat to talk about anything from this project. Each of us used our strength to complete our tower. I was very hands-on with the building because I enjoy building things.

Overall the project for me was very successful with all the aspects being quite good.

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