MUIR 2021

As a subject selection for 2021, semester 1, I have selected Muir and I was glad and astatic that I selected this subject. I definitely did not make a mistake selecting Muir as my top 4 subjects. Along with this, it comes with:

  1. Snorkelling
  2. Archery
  3. Orienteering.


After we completed snorkelling at Rottnest, we moved onto orienteering. Orienteering was a great experience and good learning curve. I was not particularly skilled at compass bearings and reading a map, however, with the help of Mr. Stevens and the rest of the students, I accomplished my goal and finally mastered the compass and read the map. I have shown collaborative and leadership. During this, my group and I were unaware of the area, through this we collaborated together and I demonstrated leadership in order for our group to make it through the course.


Archery was a great experience with Mary. I nailed a bullseye multiple times. I averaged a high score each time. Mary taught me the right technique to be accurate with all my shots. Although I missed the board completely, I learned my mistakes and improved my shot angle and power. We proceeded to do a cloud shoot, I nearly hit the balloon but my shot was shot above, so instead I landed a gold 10 rather that a bullseye. Through this, I demonstrated Problem Solving techniques. With this said, I used this technique to identify the problem that is causing me to miss the target and resolve the issue and use the method to fix my angle and accuracy.


Snorkelling was by far the best adventure of Muir. Before we went to Rottnest for our big day, we were introduced to Muir by Mr. Stevens and the first thing we were about to do was practice snorkelling. We began breathing techniques and hand signs. After these numerous sessions, we proceeded to go to the Omeo shipwreck in Coogee and that was absolutly amazing. The sea life and the shipwreck as well as the canon and the swim through as beautiful. After these sessions at Coogee, it was the big day out at Rottnest. I demonstrated the use of effective Communication. With the use of effective communication, we communicated with partners and remained a group in a case of emergency when we stranded by ourselves.

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