Over the past term and a half in wind, water waves we have been doing sailing and stand up paddle boarding. We did sailing in South Perth at a place called fun cats. In sailing we needed to use effective communication skills as there was three people on a board and we had each one doing different jobs we had a person directing us so we could go in the right direction because the person who was driving couldn’t see past the other person. Through this I have been able to communicate in an effective way with different people I haven’t necessarily talked to before. I have also learned how to problem solve well during sailing, this is because we have to solve issues if they come up. Like when we are steering and we need to turn in a certain direction but we make a wrong turn we need to solve that and find an effective way to do so.
We did stand up paddle boarding at deep water point with a lady named Rikki. In this activity we had to use problem solving because if we did a wrong turn or put or foot in the wrong spot we had to change that so we can paddle more efficiently.