Health questions

What were the biggest things you learned while completing this task? 

The most important thing I’ve learned from this work is how many people are affected by/contribute to drinking and driving. I knew drunk driving was a problem before the task, but I didn’t know how serious it was. For example, approximately one-fourth of all drivers and riders killed on Australian roads had blood alcohol levels above the legal limit. This was a huge eye-opener for me, and it made me grasp the magnitude of the problem. In comparison to more experienced drivers, I also learned that younger drivers are the most affected. For example, I assumed that drunk driving would impact teenagers as much as adults because it would be more difficult for them to obtain alcohol. This reinforces my belief that Australia’s alcohol consumption rate is dangerously high, affecting drivers of all ages.

What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why? 

You are affecting not only yourself but also everyone around you! When you choose to drive a vehicle while inebriated, you are endangering your own life as well as the lives of other drivers and passengers on the road. Strangers and family members may be affected by your decisions. Always establish and implement strategies to avoid driving while intoxicated (e.g., take an Uber or have a sober friend/adult drive you). Think before you act to avoid becoming a statistic for yourself or someone else. Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments? 

Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments? 

I swear that I will never drive while intoxicated or engage in any activity that may impair my focus while on the road, such as using a cell phone. I chose to commit to this because it will have an impact on not only myself but also those around me. I hope to make the roads safer and keep myself safe by taking this promise. I’ll make sure of it by keeping my phone out of reach and requesting a sober adult or a friend to drive me home if I’m inebriated. I believe this is a reasonable commitment that I can make not only at the start of my driving journey, but also throughout it, since at the end of the day, I must think about the people around me, not just myself.

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