
Year 9 ESS project

Our project was based off of the US bank tower, we found this design when we were building for the second time and I accidently made a design which was flexible. As soon as I saw the design I realised that it had potential as it was similar to the US bank tower and Tokyo Skytree. Some similarities include; it gets narrower the higher it goes and it has more mass near the top of the tower so that the center of gravity is lower to the ground.

Our group and model

Our model survived for the full 10 seconds of shaking, which wasn’t surprising because our model was so strong and we also shook the model before it was evaluated and it didn’t move at all. I think this is because the model is stuck to the bench mat we used and we also supported the bottom of our model to make sure it doesn’t shake. Most other groups’ models fell apart because of the surface waves that were replicated by our teacher but since we made sure that our design was flexible at the bottom(where the center of gravity is) our model wasn’t fazed by this.

Our building during the earthquake

Our teacher also tested how much weight our building could hold and it was around 100g, this is mainly because our design was made flexible so that it could better withstand shaking which also made it a lot weaker at carrying weights so in the future we should make the middle layer of our building 2 spaghetti strands thick so we don’t affect our center of gravity too much and also our model snapped in the middle layer when we tried putting on 100g of force.

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