
Neuroplasticity is the ability of your brain to adapt to different situations, to be able to change your mindset by forming neural connections. It helps to explain how the brain can build muscle memory, store memories and process information.

Training your brain

The subject training your brain helps us to understand how we can develop our brains and work on getting it better. We watched a TV series on an average person gets a trainer researching to see how it easily an average person is to improve the brain.

He done this by putting a person to the test and pushing him to do all these brain exercises everyday for a few months too see how easy it is to improve your brain. It showed me what exercises I could do to improve my brain and how to get smarter. An example on how to improve your brain is to practice being more aware of things around you and looking for little details and remembering them. For eg, what is the colour of your shirt? (Don’t look now).

Resilient/GRIT thinking

In this subject we learnt about grit. Grit is a way of thinking positive and always looking/thinking about the good side or the positive side of things. For eg, people bully me for playing soccer and I’m not even 5 foot but I don’t give up, I laugh about how jealous they get when I’m better than them. This is my example of grit thinking and I try to be as gritty as possible. We learnt that if we start being gritty early when we are older our default thinking would be positive and help us not quit and keep trying at things were not good at.

Happiness 🙂

In this subject we learnt about the fact that we don’t need to be happy to be happy. We learnt that if we act happy we actually will be. We watched a TV show about this old man who had been through a lot and he classifies as the happiest person in the world. He had been through so many sad times you would think he would be the saddest person of all time. But one day he promised that from that day on he would smile everyday and he kept that promise for like 60 years This allowed him to find real happiness and that if you act happy, you will be. A way to be happy is challenging yourself to smiles everyday. If you do this everyday, you wont even think about it but you will build muscle memory and smile naturally. Another way of improving you happiness is to be extra kind for the next week. If you make other people feel happy, you will feel happy. You could maybe compliment someone new everyday or feed the homeless. These are some ways to feel build your happiness.

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