Amulet: Sculpture Arts

This semester in class we created our own amulets using moulds, soaps, and other tools.

Our first step was to carve our own design and once the design was final, I carved it onto the soap, then placed the soap in a tight-fitting box which I made using a glue gun and thick walls. I then poured in this silicon substance to create the mould. Once it dried the mould was made and then I poured in another silicon substance to make the amulet itself. It did not take too long to harden, but I did not successfully make it in the first try as I made a mistake not mixing the two different silicon substances well enough together. On the second try, I successfully made the amulet and then started thinking of different colours to use. I decided to use red and gold because it’s bright and makes the amulet pop. After I painted onto the amulet, I dried it using a hairdryer.

A difficulty I faced making this amulet was making the paint look neat and clean on the amulet, because the second time I created my amulet the residue parts of my mould stuck onto the amulet which created a chippy dirty look. So there was several bumps and cracks in my amulet, which the paint could not cover up. I also did not like my amulet as much not just because of the final look but also because the design I used to make the amulet was not my

My favourite part of this whole process was carving the soap, because it was easy to do and satisfying. It did take me awhile as I messed up on multiple occasions, but in general was a smooth process.

In terms of time management I spent too much time on making the mould which I definitely could’ve finished quickly, as well as deciding the colours.

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