20 DOLLAR BOSS semester 1 2022


The process

chosen to be a CEO my idea was to make sanitizer more attractive to younger children my employees were Oliver, Alexander, and Jacob it was a good experience.

The first prototype wasn’t that good but it definitely worked from there I saw that we need sticky labels for the logo and the logo needed to be changed I got some feedback on the prototype and it was really the same

A major part of the process was to collect recycled old soap bottles from the community which I knew would probably be challenging in the time we had.

we also required the community to bring in used Lego blocks.

once bottles were collected the next stage in the process was to wash them, remove the labels and re-label them with our own labels after filling them with bought hand sanitizer.

In line with ASC capabilities, we aimed to be ethical in offering recycling to help the environment as well as offering a product to help people in this pandemic. we also aimed to be collaborative, and effective in our communication, creative, organized, and problem-solving when we had difficulties. as the CEO I tried my best to be an effective leader.

These photos show a finished bottle, a bottle demonstrating how the blocks suspend in the sanitizer, and a DIY bag which we made in case customers wanted to have the opportunity to customize their own bottles at home.



Our campaign to bring in old soap bottles to recycle them was very challenging as we had very little time. We made posters to put in the Year 7 classrooms but this did not happen until a few weeks into the process. We even bought Freddo frogs as an incentive. In reflection we should have organized the advertising for recycling immediately, We left it rather late which made it all rather pressured. However, with the help of family and friends, we managed to obtain forty bottles.

Making the bottles:

Removing the labels from the bottles turned out to be much harder than we thought as the labels were stuck on too well. They also left a sticky glue on some of the bottles so we had to use goo remover.

Refilling them with sanitizer went well.

Designing the Label:

This was a success and probably the easiest of the tasks. we all liked this part.

Buying hand sanitizer:

Trying to find good hand sanitizer at a good price for the money we had was difficult we managed in the end but this took quite some time and effort,


For the future of the “Block-It”:

1. People need more time to recycle products

2. buying the hand sanitizer we needed at the right price was tricky but do able

3. the product was aimed at younger children but at the sale, only adults and high school students were there, therefore, our product was not so appealing which demonstrates that you need to sell products in the right market for us this might have been a toy shop or chemist.

4. Our sales table was also positioned where people could not easily stand or see the product. This is also important for sales.

5. Overall I think we did a pretty good job and we sold 15 bottles out of forty which was rather disappointing.

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