During Leadersip and innovation we had to create a service based project based on the gobal goals the gobal goals we based our project on was quailty eductation number 4 i was orginaly going to do this project alone but then i joined another group who was doing a simular idea of mine using old stationry from kids who had left over from the past year or so and give it to us so then we could give it to kids couldnt afford any. before i joined the other group we had to do a pitch to the other groups and tell them about our idea.


Once we had the idea of what we were going to do we just had to put into action so we had a talk with Ms watt and she said we could contact office works or maybe kmart and see if they could donate to us as well as us going around to the diffrent house tutor groups and leaving tubs there for a week for people to dontate to us after we talked to her we going to imperment her idea of going to the diffrent tutor groups

during going to all the tutor groups and trying to get donations from office works we had a few problems like we had missed some of tutor group deadlines so we had to extend the deadline so that we would be able to finish all the backpacts some tutor groups did bring anything in but the we would get stuff from the next lot of tutor


In the end we were able to get 7 backpacks done and send them off to anglicare it was a good feeling that all of our work had finally turned into a sucess as along the ways we had problems and some time we doubted wether we would acully get 1 done and in the end we got 7 things i would do diffrently in the end would probably be more organsied on who is going to go around to the tutor groups.