In Term 3 we were asked to submit ideas for the Fremantle Port redesign to produce a new community that would be sustainable and where all people would thrive. During this project, we were told to consider the U.N. Global Goals, geography concepts such as liveability and sustainability. in the end we would have tpo come up with a vison board and a speech.
In my group, we had Anya, Aun, Lara, and myself. We started off by generating ideas by doing this brainstorm called 100 ideas in 1 minute, which helped us narrow down to 3 ideas. Eventually, after that, our 3 ideas had to come down to one idea. After lots of brainstorming amongst our group, our idea was to have a tunnel that had aboriginal artwork on the inside and it would be snaked-themed on the outside. The material that we used for the walls and floor is called Ferrock (ferrock is a material made from waste steel dust and it is carbon negative, which means it sucks in the co2 like a sponge and it is ten times stronger than concrete). To build the roof, it will be made from glass because we thought the roof should retract. So, on the hot days, it could open to let air in, and on the cold days, it would stay closed.
Our idea still had some problems, but the biggest part was that if it was a tunnel it needed to lead somewhere. Later, we came up with a brand-new great idea so instead of a tunnel it would be a bridge from the ferry to the other side but not interfering with the terminal and it would have no cars are allowed and as your walking or through it there would be aboriginal paintings.
With this project we were using the ASC capability wheel which is there to help us achieve certain goals throughout our school life and to use beyond. We were assigned into teams to complete this project. In our group we used a variety of parts from the wheel, the first one is resilience, from this we learnt to overcome any issues we ran into. During this project we had a lot of problems and disagreements, this is where effective communication comes in which we needed to work on as a group. We had an effective leader but they the team didn’t always listen to her we needed to be more organised and to assign tasks to the team by using the things they were good at. From this we learnt that the outcome of the project could have been better.
The U.N Global Goals played a big part in our project because this project was all about a place that was sustainable and liveable. If you would want to build a modern building, then you would choose a global goal 8 and 9. My group choose 3, 8, 9 and 11 the Un Goals really helped with guiding the project
Doing this project, we had many troubles, but the thing is that I have learned quite a bit from this group I had like resilience, effective communication, collaboration, and much more. The thing I would do next time is trying to get my group back on track a bit more. In the end, I am happy it ended