Some of my interests

Swimming, playing Minecraft, playing board games, helping people, reading, and cooking.

I love swimming -I have been swimming for 10 years now and I am becoming really good at it. Swimming is the one thing that I became really good at in year 7 and I was thrilled to be the runner up for the year. I used to swim with All Saints but I have changed club in 2021 to SSSC-south shore swimming club. I am doing better there and have started to compete competitively. I get a lot of self-esteem from my swimming i was 0.2 off getting to a the austrilan nationals.

I like chess -I play it against my mom and dad and I usually win them. I like board games, especially monopoly, Cluedo rummy/card game, sequence

I enjoy school very much. My favorite subject would be math and sport

Since doing cooking in Year 7 I realize that I like it very much. My favorite foods to eat are satay sticks from Thai restaurants. My favorite thing to make is chicken wrap.

This is a quote that I like for my life as I think it is very true.

“you will struggle. no way around it, you will fall many times, but who’s counting Just remember that there is no such thing as a smooth mountain”

Prince ea.


I have dyslexia and Tourette syndrome and it is annoying because it is basically with my nerves that send signals to my brain that makes me do things like vocal tics or physical tics, but learn more about it here at this website because like blinking, I can not stop these tics from happening.

HERE IS A LINK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TOURETTE,keep%20blinking%20over%20and%20over.

Dyslexia means that I use my brain on the right side to read which makes it harder than other people without dyslexia because they use their right side of the brain to learn. it also makes reading and writing harder and I also have dyscalculia it is involved with math and I also have dysgraphia is involved with coordination. Despite all my challenges, I work as hard as I can and always try to think positively.

Everyone dies but not everyone lives”

Prince ea

this is Anthony Ervin he is my idol the reason why is because he is a swimmer with Tourette syndrome and if he can do it then can my mom discover him

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