115a Riverton drive
May 12/2022
John Warrilow
Parliament house
4 harvest terraces
West Perth wa
Dear Mr. Morrison
I am writing to you about a subject that I am concerned about and one which I don’t think that you have taken seriously enough, and it’s your last term in office, so I think you could do a bit more in this area. I am not alone in my thoughts as many more people care about this subject.
The subject I am bringing to you is the net-zero project by 2050 because if we don’t act now the temperature could go up by another 2 degrees above our normal temperature we’re already at 1.5 and the rest of the world is at 1 degree higher than the normal degrees. By 2050 if it goes up by 2 more degrees we could face insurmountable challenges to cities, ecosystems, industries, and food and health systems. Since 1910 temperatures have been rising and in recent years at an alarming rate. We are already seeing the results of this with more and bigger natural disasters in Australia. These are evident in the massive bush fires that we have seen in Victoria and NSW and flooding like never before such as those recently in Queensland. It is very worrying and scary. If we do not act now and make bigger changes, quicker, we will suffer the consequences.
Here are some of my thoughts on what we could do better.
- Perhaps if you made electric cars cheaper to buy then more people would buy them and reduce the pollution in the air.
- If more renewable energies were made by the government, we would not have to rely upon coal and gas. There are some great projects being planned but I worry if these are too late.
- If solar panels were more affordable then more people would install them.
I hope my views are heard because our generation is worried about our future. Please act now before it’s too late.
Yours sincerely,
John Warrilow