Outdoor Education – Muir

Swim Through

Positive Relationships-


Collaborative- We were partnered up every time we were snorkelling so when it came to collaboration we had to be organised and prepared. We also had to communicate whenever we needed to swim to a different location which required collaboration.

Effective Communication- When it came to communication me and my partner were very organised. We had all of our hand signals ready so when we needed to communicate underwater we were fine. It helped a lot because we where fast and effective when we wanted to duck dive or go through a swim through like shown in the photo.

Ethical- When it comes to the principles of Snorkelling you have to be collaborative, this is because you are relying on your partner and you to decide on what and where you go. You also have to be a leader and be quick thinking and be a risk taker, even if you don’t feel comfortable you have to adapt.

Manning Park

Spirited Agency-


Leadership- Orienteering requires a lot of leadership, when making decisions you have to make you idea heard and take action. Not only this but you have to instruct your team on what direction to go and how far.

Self-Aware- When orienteering you have to be very self-aware, you have to be very observant. When orienteering you need to look up and down and all places around the circle the marker may be in, this requires a lot of self awareness. You also need to be self-aware on what terrain you will be trekking on, if you are not aware you can get injured.

Organised- This is probably the main key thing that makes the difference between being good at orienteering or being bad at it. What I mean by this is if you are not organised then you will be punished will your time. You need to organise the direction of travel and the fastest path you can take before you begin. This will make you faster.

Shooting Practise

Spirited Agency- Archery

Self Aware- When doing archery we had to be very self-aware because archery can be very dangerous when you are not paying attention. You must be listening for the correct whistles and be watching out for the target. You must communicate with your peers at the target to see who is going to take out the arrows.

Organised- We had to be very organised in archery, we had to remember our bow number because they had different weights to them. We also had to be organised and make sure we had the right length of arrows each lesson. We also got given a card that had our score on them, we had to be organised by putting it in a good spot to quickly right down your score.

Leadership- You need a lot of leadership when doing archery, we had to make sure that our target was placed in the original spot because sometimes it moved wen pulling out the arrows. You also needed to take leadership when writing down your card, this is because one person for each target grab each persons score and wrote it down on there card. It took at least one person to stand up and take this role.