Muir is my outdoor ED elective for semester 1 2021 and this elective includes:
- Snorkeling
- Archery
- Orienteering

Organisation – key during the snorkeling part of this Outdoor ED, with it involving coming to school at 8:15 being ready and on the bus. We were responsible for bringing our own food, water, flippers, snorkel, mask, towel, wetsuit, and bathers. Especially when we went on our trip to Rottnest we had to be ready to get into the water just as the other group was leaving so we could get as much time in the water as possible.

Collaboration – This was arguably the most important skill to complete the orienteering courses around the school and at the manning park. in an orienteering course, there are several roles for the 2 or 3 people in a group these being pacing, compass work, and map work. The person who is pacing is unable to talk to the group while running so that person cannot do anything else while pacing, but is extremely important that the pacer works with the others for the point to be found.
Problem-solving – This skill is just as important as collaboration as it is assumed that there will be a struggle to find the point problem solving will be needed constantly. For example, when you cannot find the point and need to use the map and compass to find if you are in the correct place the key on the map must be used and you must know exactly where you are on the map.

Resilient – When we were shooting at the target and clout shooting it was very hard to aim in the right spot so we had to be resilient when we were not getting good scores on the target.