Dear Year 8 Me

The best learning experience of this year was probably camp because we learnt a lot of non-schoolish type things. Although it was very tiring it was also very fun as well. It was away from school so it changed things up a lot and its way more fun when things change from time to time.

The thing that was the most enjoyable this year apart from camp and everything was probably tutor group and amp when it was a free period because that was like a break from actual school and you could just relax and it had a super fun atmosphere.

The thing I would change about year 8 if I could go back again would be talking a lot less. There has been so many times when someone has said something really important but I’ve been to busy laughing, talking or in my own world and didn’t hear what they said.

The thing that I made the biggest contribution to this year was probably the college dance concert where I performed in 5 dances. It was super duper fun and really love performing in it. My favourite dance that I was in was the justin timberlake hip hop dance. It was hard choreography but I got it in the end.

I learnt the most about myself was in this random English lesson where we were all working on our grammar books and everyone else was making jokes but I wasn’t in the mood for it for some reason. I thought I was fine but the next minute I was crying and I guess I just learnt that you should never bottle up your feeling cuz they will explode in unexpected places.

Advice next the current year 7s would be:

  • Don’t stress over everything and never get all worked up about grades
  • Don’t get involved in drama and be nice to everyone
  • Try your hardest
  • Go to the toilet everyday on camp.