A growth mindset

I play netball for the palmyra rebels. It’s not a super serious team or anything, but we do like to win. But the only problem is we have lost all almost all of our games this year which is weird because last year we got to the semi-finals. So we have had a pretty fixed mindset lately and haven’t thought been thinking very positavely. But, on the weekend we were versing a team that was 3rd on the ladder, so we were not expecting to win but we did try as hard as we could and during the game our mindset changed from fixed to growth and we did really well, we were up by like 7 the whole game, but in the last quarter they caught up with us and in the end we didn’t win but we did draw. And even though we didn’t win it was so good because we didn’t loose and they were one of the best teams so we were pretty proud of ourselves.

Dance Concert 2019

This year I am taking part in the college dance concert. I am in a total of 5 dances. It has been ahrd work and at times stressful, but it is worth it because I love it. Two of my dances are student led dances choreographed by Immy and Maddi and Aj. The other dances I am in are Ballet, Advanced jazz and Hip-Hop. I am performing on the 14th, 15th, and 16th of this august.