Our final product

Our Plan

Our original plan was to make a pyramid like the Egyptian pyramids because triangles are the strongest shape and this is proven through the Egyptian pyramids because they have been standing for this long. We think that their structure would help them survive different waves whether they are on the surface or not. It is important to consider these types of things because you need to make sure your structure is good and able to survive any type of emergency. But in the end, it didn’t really turn out to look how we wanted it to because we had to make lots of adjustments to keep it standing up.

Engineering Process

For the engineering process, we were given $60 to spend on spaghetti and blue tack to make the structure. It was $1 per 25cm piece of spaghetti and $1 per gram of blue tack. My group and I spent $30 dollars on 30 spaghetti sticks and $30 dollars on 30 grams of blue tack. We barely just made our structure reach the requirement of 60 cm and the structure passed, the only thing that got knocked over was the very top because it wasn’t very stable because we ran out of blue tack and spaghetti but other than that it was a smooth pass. Some changes I would make to this experience more enjoyable would be more building time and if we could build more but if not then I would give us a bigger budget to make it look better.

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