Save the humans is a maths project in which we were given the task to investigate in groups a topic of our interest. Our group chose the amount of Co2 emissions per capita of countries in tonnes compared to the life expectancy and GDP of countries. We showed this through a moving scatter plot graph which had over around 50,000 bits of data. We made a PowerPoint to accompany our graph in the presentation. During this presentation I learnt a lot about how to convert large amounts of statistics to match my data. When making the graph I had to convert Co2 emissions from per country to per capita. I learnt about the world’s usage of Co2 and how it is destroying the environment. I also learnt that the effect doesn’t just impact environmental factors it also impacts the world on a social and economic level. I learnt that social, economic and environmental are all pillars that if upheld lead to sustainability. For example, when the Co2 emissions of a country are high they normally have a high GDP. This is because the country with high Co2 emissions would have a source of the emissions that would increase the GDP, whether that be hundreds of trucks driving to export fuel from the country emitting Co2 or many factories in a country emitting the gas. It connects to a social level as the Co2 in the air affects the quality of air that the people breath in. This project is a great way to raise awareness in a young person’s mind of issues in the world while keeping them engaged by connecting the project to something that peaks their interest. It also prepares young people for life as it helps them to handle large amounts of data and prepare a presentation and the pressure of presenting in front of fellow colleagues.