Science 2023

For this project we had to create a tower strong enough to withstand an earthquake. You had $60 to spend. The tower had to be 60cm tall and 30cm wide. You have spaghetti and blu tack and each spaghetti is $1 and each gram of blu tack is $1.

Engineering process:

The engineering process was very chaotic and messy because people were either not in the lesson or they were hanging out with other groups. Next time we could all stick to what we are meant to be doing. Next time we have to build this tower I would make it slimmer and more stable so it was the right height and and strong enough to withstand an earthquake. For the future I would probably go with different people because we didn’t get the work done and some of the group members kept on walking to other groups and started talking to them while everyone else was doing the project.


My group was pretty god because we managed to get the work done but we could’ve spread the work out so one or two people were doing all the work because two people were doing most of the work and one person was doing all the research and most of the still, while the 4th person was walking around talking to friends and not helping. We all communicated well and that’s how we managed to finish the project. Eleanor was the Project Manager, Tim was the Speaker, Cooper was the Equipment Manager, and I was the reporter. Tim, Eleanor, and Cooper created the tower with their patience and delicacy. It took a while to get it right but they managed to complete it. I did the research and some more stile and helped the others with their stile because that’s what I am better at.

Our design:

English Reflection

This years English was very hard and I learnt a lot of things throughout this year such as to write a perfect poem and making great and funny commercials


I am pretty organized in English meaning I bring what I am meant to bring but not all the time. When it comes to brining books to class or a fully charged laptop I don’t normally remember to bring a book to class but then I struggle to have a fully charged laptop by the time I have English. I take the notes I am meant to and I don’t always take the important notes because I either don’t here the teacher say it or I don’t think it is as important as the other notes I took. So this year I think I have been pretty organized.


English isn’t one of my strong suits and I really struggle with some of the work and assessments I am receiving but each assessment I do I feel more confidant in the next assessment but I always end up not doing good in that. I really liked some of the assessment this year and felt really confidant but other assessment that are harder and more difficult I wouldn’t feel as confidant.


My marks were not very high in English but I am very proud of myself for the marks I got. Next year I hope I get better in the subject and get higher marks to prove to myself that I can do it and always believe and feel confidant about myself. With the current affairs I thought I could’ve gotten a higher mark but most of time people were missing and couldn’t get all the people done. Throughout the year my marks were pretty low but I am proud of myself for the marks I got.

Goals + Challenges for 2023

My goals for 2023 is to improve my score in English and get higher marks. I also want to be able to do the work without being confused and not knowing what to to. I want to have some challenges next year but challenges I know I will be able to complete.


I have been very involved with most activity’s like reading aloud or helping out someone with their work. I would like to contribute more wen it comes to reading a book page to the class or reading a story or poem I write. I love to help people with their work so they can get it done, so if someone asked me if I could help them write something or print something I would say yes to get more involved with the work.


I like to collaborate while working which involves talking, sometimes I get told off or I just get told to talk quieter. I like to collaborate because sometimes I get my work done faster and I can get help as well as me helping someone else. During English I have been told off plenty of times for talking in class when I am asking for help or helping someone but sometimes I just get told to quite down if we are talking about the work and not somethings else. In the future I would love to collaborate more.

I had fun doing English this year with all the projects and me learning new things and I hope to get better and more skilled in what I have learnt this year.

Dance Reflection

For our year 8 transition night illuminate festival we made a dance, we looked really goofy but we managed to pull through. This dance routine had a long process with many days of hard work and determination.

We went through a lot to create this dance over a short period of time. First we were put in pairs and pretended we were puppets with a puppet master, we then taught the puppet dances to the other people we got put with then incorporated that into our dance. I was thinking of separating into smaller groups like we have done most of the time but we just ended up staying in the one big group. We then collaborated and worked together to make a tutting dance, we tried to make this dance as cool as possible and did it at different timing so we had a cool effect. Next we added on the breaking free parts then we finished and the ending which was amazing. Lastly we pieced it altogether working with the other class for the first time and we then performed an 1hr later.

The structure of the dance was a binary structure meaning it had 2 parts and the 2 class groups were different but had the same style dance as in the toy dance and the tutting. Towards the end we all broke free and started moving more freely and have a better time dancing.

The toy and tutting dance are stiff dance moves and not very free moving to make a cooler affect and make us look like we are actual toys. We weren’t very energetic at the start as toys but then when we broke free we had to be energetic and stay at the same amount of energy level all the way through. We didn’t have much space between everyone because we weren’t doing big movements, most of it was smaller moves. We had to stay at the same speed for that cool effect.

At the start we were all separated into groups of three and made up our own tutting dances, we then incorporated that into the dance as well as everyone else parts of their routine. We all then collaborated and worked together for a few weeks and ended up creating this amazing dance. Next time we could listen to each other instead of talking over the top and let everyone contribute and not just the one person. In the groups at the end we all mixed up groups and taught each other which made another 2 or 3 counts of 8 to to our dance.

The timing and spacing was really good because we all stood we were meant to stand and went at the time we had to go at. We all committed to this performance because we wanted it to come out as good as possible.

I think the group performed well knowing we only had 2hrs to put the two separate dances together so I think we did well. From what I saw we all did well and we all kept the same amount of energy throughout the dance making it look cool and making it look neat and tidy. The other class did really we with their dance towards the end and I am very proud of them for completing it without messing up. I am also very proud of my group cause we did some pretty embarrassing moves but we managed to pull through and make it look amazing. I think I did really well with my spacing and time with the movements. I could’ve looked at the audience more but it was bright so it made it harder to look at them.

It was very different because it has different levels of height and lots of slopes making it harder to dance. As well as all the natural including bugs and trees also trying to avoid them and having to stay still even with a bug on your face. Also you never know what is on the common and there is all sorts of sticks and dirt while in the dance studio or on the stage it is clean and all one level.

To make sure you collaborate with your peers and even if you don’t want to do something just do it because it is best for the group and it always ends up lookin great. That you have to work with people you don’t really like or work with that often, so just get it over and done with because you might not have to work with them again.

I had a lot of fun doing this project and I hope to do it again someday.

Recyclable Jewellery

In Term 2 2022, I joined this class for InnovatED because I wanted to improve my skills with jewellery making and I wanted to make new friends during this process.

  1. First we discussed what we were making then discussed how we were going to do it
  2. Second we made designs of the bracelets and showed the teachers to see if it was good
  3. Third we sorted out all the beads into colour code so it was easier to get what we needed
  4. Fourth we started to make the bracelets and brought in new ideas of what we could make other then bracelets
  5. Fifth we started making the packaging and letters
  6. Then we scraped the idea of that
  7. Then we got them ready for the market and set it all up
  8. The sold most of them and made around $86
  9. Last of all we chose something to do in this class and started with that

Talking about six but we had to scrap the ideas of packaging and notes because the hospital wouldn’t let us give them to the give due to hygiene reasons so then we just put them on display and sold them at the market.

We used the design thinking process through our whole journey with this and then used to capabilities wheel to help with the values we had to use and the main one was creativity.