Science 2023

For this project we had to create a tower strong enough to withstand an earthquake. You had $60 to spend. The tower had to be 60cm tall and 30cm wide. You have spaghetti and blu tack and each spaghetti is $1 and each gram of blu tack is $1.

Engineering process:

The engineering process was very chaotic and messy because people were either not in the lesson or they were hanging out with other groups. Next time we could all stick to what we are meant to be doing. Next time we have to build this tower I would make it slimmer and more stable so it was the right height and and strong enough to withstand an earthquake. For the future I would probably go with different people because we didn’t get the work done and some of the group members kept on walking to other groups and started talking to them while everyone else was doing the project.


My group was pretty god because we managed to get the work done but we could’ve spread the work out so one or two people were doing all the work because two people were doing most of the work and one person was doing all the research and most of the still, while the 4th person was walking around talking to friends and not helping. We all communicated well and that’s how we managed to finish the project. Eleanor was the Project Manager, Tim was the Speaker, Cooper was the Equipment Manager, and I was the reporter. Tim, Eleanor, and Cooper created the tower with their patience and delicacy. It took a while to get it right but they managed to complete it. I did the research and some more stile and helped the others with their stile because that’s what I am better at.

Our design:

Spec Basketball

This is a 6 week schedule that include strength, endurance, flexibility, shooting, dribbling, and recovery. These things will help improve my basketball skills if I follow them correctly. I also had to include other things such as hobbies, jobs, training, homework, and nutrition. Some of these things such as nutrition are very important because it helps with basketball and your health. If this schedule is followed correctly then my skills and gameplay style should improve and I will become healthier, stronger, and faster.



There are many skills that I have learned during my time in spec basketball. The main skill I have learnt and implemented into my games is defense. Defense isn’t one of my strong suits in the game but as I have been in this class my defensive skills are better and I am now able to keep on the ball when being dribbled up the court. I was taught to stay low and not bounce up and down, make sure my feet don’t cross over when sliding, and to beat your player to the spot they are planning to go to. I knew these things before the class but it wasn’t as good, in my games I am now one of the better defenders and I’m a lot stronger in my defense and I am better at taking hard contact and creating contact when playing.

My defensive skills have improved lots over the time I have spent in this class and playing against boys my age and older boys, my confidence has improved and I am a stronger player. Playing with boys in this class was harder because they are more aggressive then girls and they like to attack the basket and this has helped me in multiple ways. One of the ways it has helped is that I have become a better outside shooter and I am better with my floaters and if I do drive I am more aggressive and I am able to get to the basket easier. It has also helped my defense because boys are quick on their feet so I have to be quicker and lower and that has improved my defense a lot and I now implement those defensive skills into my games.


During my time in spec basketball I attended many courses like a strapping course, a talk about nutrition

The course that I found the most useful was the strapping course. I already knew how to strap but I am now better at it, at this course I learnt how to strap an ankle, thumb, and fingers. This course was useful for me because I learned better ways of doing it and if anyone needs me to do it for them I will be able to do it because I was taught. It was also useful because if I hurt myself and need to strap something I don’t need to wait for someone to do it for me, I can just do it myself. Through the course he taught me new things and told me how I can improve from how I was originally doing it or tell me I am doing a great job.

Knowing this will hep for in the future in case I want to become a physio therapist or someone just needs help doing it. Some major concepts raised were allergies, types of tape, and how to tape different types of body parts. In this course we learned how to tape fingers, ankle and thumbs. When you tape a finger you have to put a layer of tape on the bottom of the finger and just above the knuckle, you then put two more layers on top of that tape. Before putting the tape on you have to put a foam piece in between the two fingers, so it is more comfortable. With a thumb you use one type of tape and you start around the wrist and and then around the thumb. You continue doing that until the thumb is secure. With an ankle you do 3 stirrups, 4 cross stirrups and a lock at the top of the ankle to hold all the tape together. While tapping someone you have to make sure its not to tight or two loose because if it is to tight it could cut of someone’s blood circulation. If you are not sure if it is to tight you can ask them or you can squeeze the tip of their nail and if it stays white then you have cut off the blood circulation and it is to tight.

English Reflection

This years English was very hard and I learnt a lot of things throughout this year such as to write a perfect poem and making great and funny commercials


I am pretty organized in English meaning I bring what I am meant to bring but not all the time. When it comes to brining books to class or a fully charged laptop I don’t normally remember to bring a book to class but then I struggle to have a fully charged laptop by the time I have English. I take the notes I am meant to and I don’t always take the important notes because I either don’t here the teacher say it or I don’t think it is as important as the other notes I took. So this year I think I have been pretty organized.


English isn’t one of my strong suits and I really struggle with some of the work and assessments I am receiving but each assessment I do I feel more confidant in the next assessment but I always end up not doing good in that. I really liked some of the assessment this year and felt really confidant but other assessment that are harder and more difficult I wouldn’t feel as confidant.


My marks were not very high in English but I am very proud of myself for the marks I got. Next year I hope I get better in the subject and get higher marks to prove to myself that I can do it and always believe and feel confidant about myself. With the current affairs I thought I could’ve gotten a higher mark but most of time people were missing and couldn’t get all the people done. Throughout the year my marks were pretty low but I am proud of myself for the marks I got.

Goals + Challenges for 2023

My goals for 2023 is to improve my score in English and get higher marks. I also want to be able to do the work without being confused and not knowing what to to. I want to have some challenges next year but challenges I know I will be able to complete.


I have been very involved with most activity’s like reading aloud or helping out someone with their work. I would like to contribute more wen it comes to reading a book page to the class or reading a story or poem I write. I love to help people with their work so they can get it done, so if someone asked me if I could help them write something or print something I would say yes to get more involved with the work.


I like to collaborate while working which involves talking, sometimes I get told off or I just get told to talk quieter. I like to collaborate because sometimes I get my work done faster and I can get help as well as me helping someone else. During English I have been told off plenty of times for talking in class when I am asking for help or helping someone but sometimes I just get told to quite down if we are talking about the work and not somethings else. In the future I would love to collaborate more.

I had fun doing English this year with all the projects and me learning new things and I hope to get better and more skilled in what I have learnt this year.

Binge Drinking Expo Reflection

In year 8 my class did a binge drinking expo showing the older years the effects of alcohol.

That alcohol can have a lot more impacts on your body then I thought and that if you decide to drink it don’t go above to normal drinking standard and don’t have alcohol when you are underaged due to what it can do to your body.

Some advice for older years thinking about if they want to drink or not I recommend you don’t due to the many effects it could have on you such as cancer, dizziness or other things that are worse. There are lots of long term and sort term impacts that can really effect your life and how you live. So don’t drink alcohol if your thinking of it. Some advice for kids younger, listen your parents when they say NO to alcohol.

I don’t know if I want to drink or not due to me seeing people drunk and seeing the outcomes in it.

This was really fun and hope to do it again sometime.