”Hi I am Michael Gerovich ”
“No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers.”
I am in the Bateman scout group and I am a patrol leader and I have been on a lot of adventures like.
camp west is a big 8-day camp to test if you are prepared for a big camp and it was full of fun like going on a speed boat, get to drive the boat, high ropes course, go to water parks, tunnelling, VR and a whole lot more fun.
leadership camp this was a 3 day camp to learn to come a better leader and how to organize nights your unit and how to run your patrol.
I am very passionate about sports as I do play AFL, tennis and basketball and I love to play any other sport but sadly I do not have that amount of time as I am starting year seven and I have to study and still go to all the scouts camps but I love to try balance all those things out and with school
Create a story about you!
Start with 3-5 sentences that showcase what sets you apart from your peers
What are your Interests, Strengths and Aspirations?
You could use these stems:
• I am someone who. . .
• I am happiest when. . .
• Whether in the classroom or on the oval, I bring. . . Offer. . . Show. . .
• My interest in _______ Draws upon my strengths of. . .
Make it visual! Include images of you – this page is all about you!
ulleo / Pixabay FelixMittermeier / Pixabay
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