English Reflection – Year 9 Kalbarri Camp

The year 9 kalbarri camp helped to improve and showcase my teamwork skills through the multiple group activities we had to work in throughout the five day trip. I was in the dietary cooking group we had to sit together every night and cook all the different meals on little trangias. This helped to show my teamwork skills since we had to sit together and workout how we were going to cook each meal for the people with different allergies and then work together to cook it with only one set of cooking equipment. Another time my teamwork skills were displayed was when we had to put up tents in each of the sites and this took a lot of collaboration as it was wet and slippery where we were setting up. My group and I used communication skills to work effectively and quickly so we could set up our tent before the rain came in. Since we worked so effectively in our team and managed to set up the site really quickly, it gave us much more time to explore and swim in the rivers. Overall me and my group used teamwork all throughout the camp to get everything done way easier which helped us to stay organised, on schedule and gave us more free time to have lots of fun.

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