RAC BStreet-Smart Excursion

What I Learnt:

The biggest thing I learnt while at the RACbstreetsmart excursion is the life damaging effects that a car crash can have on a person’s life. When the emergency services came and did the real life example of a car crash we got to see the experiences of the first responders, the driver, the people who pulled over and all the injured people stuck in the car. By seeing all the different experiences and emotions that each person went through I really got to see how it affected each of the people individually and made me realize I never wanted to be one of them.

Advice For Others:

The biggest piece of advice that I would pass on to young drivers is to always make sure that you don’t drive home or anywhere if you have consumed alcohol or drugs. After watching this RAC excursion and from hearing about experiences in my own life I’ve learnt about the dangers of driving under the influence can have. Even if you have one drink its not safe to drive, alcohol and drugs slows down your reaction time and could cause catastrophic damage that can damage you forever. Even if you don’t get into a crash, if you are caught while on your P plates you can lose your license and privileges of driving along with being fined a large amount.

My Pledge:

When I start driving I pledge to never drive or sit in the passenger seat without having a seatbelt on and never drive without one of my friends wearing one either. I chose to pledge this specifically since I’ve seen all the news reports on people who have died because they didn’t think that wearing a seatbelt is necessary and I never want that to happen to me or anyone I know. I will stick to this commitment by always checking everyone’s seatbelts before I start the car and ensure that no one removes their seatbelt while I’m driving. This ensures that no one can move around in the car and everyone stays safer so if a crash does happen everyone is protected.

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