This task was to find an issue and inform your Electorate or MP about it.
Hon Sue Ellery BA MLC
12th Floor
Dumas House
2 Havelock Street
West Perth WA 6005
Dear Hon Sue Ellery
I am writing to raise my concerns about the homework system of Western Australia.
I am a resident of W.A. and a senior school student and I am concerned about the amount of stress students are under because of homework.
As you would know, it has been proven by multiple sources that homework creates unnecessary stress. The school system is currently unaware about this or is disregarding it. Homework causes stress to students that find it overwhelming or find it hard to do the homework because it is above their skill level.
According to many sites, the majority of stress students experience is from homework. These sites also say that homework can cause extreme weight loss, headaches, loss of sleep and bad eating habits. Parents can also experience stress from trying to support the students.
Homework not only causes stress it also causes lack of attention and lack of focus. If a teacher assigns you homework but then you are staying up all night to get it done then the next day in class, you will have lost focus during the day. Then the teachers get annoyed with you and this may have negative consequences because you aren’t paying attention in class because you had to finish too much homework.
Homework takes up lots of time. You might have homework from multiple subjects you need to do by the next day. You find out that the homework is a lot and then you end up needing more time. Homework takes away your relaxation time where you can get away from schoolwork. Studies show that people with less resting time have more sensitive emotions making them harder to socialize with. This can lead to depression, sadness and a hatred towards school. People doing a lot of homework will have less social skills and more social anxiety.
Research by John Hattie, Professor of Education at the University of Melbourne, has found that homework in primary school has an effect of around 0, as students are completing separate and unrelated projects rather than reinforcing learnt knowledge. This then becomes a problem for the students’ knowledge and understanding.
Some solutions to the problem could be reducing the amount of homework allowed to be given to students in certain age groups. You could also set the homework suited to reinforce the information rather than doing homework that is completely new. Another idea would be to make homework a choice instead of forcing students to do it.
To conclude I am concerned that students are being given to much homework causing unnecessary stress and reducing mental wellbeing of both students and parents. I would appreciate your attention to address this as Education Minister of WA to set policy around this issue.
Your sincerely
Ryan Rakuscek
Ryan Rakuscek | Year 8W| All Saints’ College
Ewing Avenue, Bull Creek WA 6149 | Tel 08 9313 9333 | Fax 08 9310 4726