$20 Boss Journey

Our Task:

The task assigned to us in $20 Boss Semester 1 of 2022 was to create a product that is appealing to consumers, which we we would then sell to students and parents of the school in week 5. We were given time to ideate, plan and create our final products in groups of 2-4.

Collaboration and Roles:

To increase efficiency and productivity in my group of 4, we assigned roles which made the tasks and goals that we had to reach much clearer. I was assigned the role of promoting our product and leading the advertisement through verbal and written promoting.

The Capabilities Wheel:

Capabilities Wheel

The 3 key capabilities that I found most useful and frequently used in this process where Collaboration, Effective Communication and Organization. Collaboration helped my group to work well together and complete tasks with ease as we knew that we worked well together. Communication ensured that we were all on the same page and all knew how things were going and what we needed to do. Organization helped us to have everything set out and much easier to run smoothly.

The Process:

We began brainstorming and ideating at the beginning of term one, and using our creativity to think of product ideas. After activities and tasks that boosted our brains and ideas, we picked one and ran interviews and selections to decide our groups and CEO’s. We then planned out how to buy and organize our products. We then focused on advertisement and promoting our product. After having our final set up for the official day, it then came to organizing money. Finally, came the selling day.

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