Community and services

Helping out the community can make the most positive difference with little effort but it still is really good. Just cleaning up rubbish can help the community or even the world and can help slow down climate change. You never know when you do a miracle like just yesterday from the11/30/2021 I caught my sisters Iphone when it was falling! It felt good. Even just giving your street a cup of juice on a hot day makes a smile on their faces.

Smiley - Wikipedia

My Capabilities

You know, at Allsaints College there are these capabilities you can use to describe your personalities and guess what! I think personally that my capability is CREATIVE! Being creative allows me to access different areas of learning and to think strategies to get around problems. I use my creativity to do some redstone stuff in minecraft or when I draw (mostly when I do school projects) —>

This is the capability wheel, it has all of the capabilities on it (sorry if its a bit blurry)

This drawing is for my Morphed animal art, what we had to do is choose 2 animals then morph them together, guess what is my 2 animals? It is a Bunny morphed with a Frilled neck lizard.

I believe that if you want to master all the capabilities then you still wont be perfect, you will always have fears and strengths like me, in basketball my strength is my team, passing the ball around to let them have a shot, like what VanChessca Allen said, You can’t win a game by yourself, you have to work as a team and then you have fears like I am afraid of the dark.