
this infographic was made about what we learnt about science and biology. Biology that I put in my infographic was the adaptations of organisms such as structural adaptations

Christmas Market

My groups product ideas came from Tim, one of my 2 group members. Me and James, my other group member decided to agree with this idea, because we thought that it was easy to make and kids would buy it. But that was only a theory.

To make our cards we had to buy 4, 25 card packs from Kmart and decorations for the cards. In the making, I made some digital designs while Tim and James made physical cards using stickers and stencils. On the first day at Tim’s house I was sick, and they focused on making prototypes.

It took a while at the start to keep making cards but we pulled through to the end.

The Capabilities We Used

The Capabilities we used where creativity, communication, collaborative, problem solving and leadership.

We used creativity for each of cards creating different designs for each card. Communication because people where sick and we had to adapt about who would do what. Collaborative so we could send each other things if people who where sick. We had to problem solve since people were sick and we needed to see what to do and leadership to present our products.

Project Utopia

How did we start?

We first went deep into the giver, written by Lois Lowery. The Giver is about a boy who lives in a community that is the same, grey and bland that is what the city wants, but Jonas, the boy, did not want that. In this community people get released, meaning that they will die. but in a nutshell, the community is a bad place to be in and is all the same with no color.

What is Project Utopia?

Well if you split the two words up there are Project and Utopia, project means a collaborative enterprise that is planned and is working towards an aim. And utopia means a place where everything is perfect. And if you combine those two definitions then you might get, a collaborative enterprise that is planned to create a place where everything is perfect.

Vision Board

Our vision board was based on my group’s ideas, these ideas were, a Vr Museum, a community market, and sustainable liveable homes. We decided these are one of our favorite and most valuable to us, including fun and a responsible community

Design Model

We then proceded to make a whole class model, Including the things we wanted in it. Each group would get a section of the model, meaning we would have to collaborate with other groups next to us to align the piece perfectly. We first planned out how we would place eat structures to make sure we had the right sizing and alignment. The next step was to place everything. Placing structure with hot glue was easy although we where struggling with the water, we had to place blue paper where the water was and on ours, well we had the most water piece so it took a long time. We got it done in the end though.


Preperation for the presentation was very calm compared to the other parts of the project. My group members, James R and Tim C were easily doing their digital model while I was making my model physicaly. I tried to use lots of enthusiatic during each presentation. The presenting parts where easier than I thought so I was calm.

Connected Learning and Project X

SAMMY BOI FOODZ is one of a kind food place.

In Connected Learning, we made logos for random things. I decided to make a logo about a food company that isn’t real yet. Creating this logo was easy as done. All I had to do was get a template and change some text and then it was done! Canva is easy to use and quick. I feel proud becasue it looks really cool and fascinating.

Defining moments in Australia’s History

In this project we all had to pick a defining moment in Australia and make a badge with a logo or simple picture, and with some staff with help we manage to do it and sell it at the Christmas market!

Step 1: Choose a defining moment and research

<– This is my groups research

Step 2: looking at other badges and to look for what you want on your badge and what you don’t want, then design our badges

Step 3: Making the badge with the badge maker and selling

We raised a total of $115.50! for charity! Thanks to all the staff and friends who helped out on the way to make these!