Shray Patel


Maths Statistic Assessment.

Non-Response sample was made sure that it did not occur because all of the questions were mandatory so we got a good sample and the sample that we hoped for.

The question asking for what industry you would like to pursue was the demographic question we used. The question’s choices were very broad as they could vary quite a a lot as government could mean politics while it could also mean that it could be law or being a police. This meant that we did not get accurate data on what careers students wanted to pursue in life.

Overall this data shows that the school is currently doing very well when it comes to the satisfaction of students and the opportunities they are given to help them pursue what they want to do. With a few changes, All Saints could get very high satisfaction ratings when it comes to the choices given to students for their electives and the allocation system.

One other limitation which would mean further research is that it is hard to find out through the results whether students were not satisfied with the choices given or the way that they were allocated between everyone. We assumed which means that the data may not be accurate that students were not given a good choice because they had to choose 8 choices that they thought were good when picking the electives. If students did not like the choices and put down electives they were already not happy about, changing the allocation system would not have helped. The allocation system has done its best and its unchangeable so we assumed that it was the different elective choices that students were dissatisfied with. Maybe for future research, Year 10s could also be included to make the sample size much larger helping to show everyone in both Y9 and Y10. Meaning it was a more accurate representation of everyone doing electives.

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