Shray Patel


Year 9 camp Teamwork

While Year 9 Camp Kalbarri, the capability that I improved the most was Teamwork. Throughout 6 days, we were faced with many difficult challenges that meant it was essential to work together and work well together.

As our group prepared to embark on the 3-day expedition, we had to carry the food needed for 2 days in our hiking packs. Rather than one person carrying the food, we split up the whole group’s food equally among everyone to fit into our already filled hiking bags. Not only did I have to carry my clothes and water, but also the food and other needed supplies for the whole group. Our group had to count on each person in the group to remember to pack the certain supplies we all needed (especially as we switched bags) as the whole group counted on them for our lunch or to sit under the tarp in the rain. I learnt through camp how teamwork is to work as a group that depended on each other and not as separate individuals.

Throughout camp, I was always able to count on my teammates for support or help. When challenges are encountered people may become nervous or a bit frightened. Our group has 4 people that were nervous about abseiling. When they shared this, everyone gave encouragement and moral support to help their teammates. Me and Senuka also made sure to let the nervous students go in the middle to try and make them feel a little less nervous. I learnt that by sharing how you feel in difficult situation, people are there to help you and you can solve that challenge as a team.

I used to think of teamwork as being limited to being kind to your teammates. Yet this camp has taught me it is much more than that.

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