As Part of our Year 10 Humanities course, we are able to research a project of our own choice and to create an outcome to showcase at a final exhibition in Term 4. My group and I have been working on a WW2 film. Unfortunately we did not end up being able to start filming on the holidays but when school started again after the holidays we finished up scripting and began figuring out where we would film and what props we would use. We wanted to use realistic guns for the time and find a proper Nazi soldier outfit. However, it became to hard and we figured it would be too expensive. We have now finalised props and locations. We bought three white t shirts and put black duct tape on them all to make strips like in the concentration camps and we found a jacked and shirt for a Nazi soldier outfit in the school. I also borrowed some fake guns from my friend. We have now started filming and hope to finish the filming by the end of next week.
The steps that I have completed so far are:
- Annotated bibliography
- Progress update 1
- Script
- Props and costumes
- Casting
- First few scenes of filming
Our plan for completing our project includes:
- Using class time and before and after school to finish filming
- See if we have extra time to improve scenes that could be improved
- Begin putting together scenes to create movie
- Begin editing and adding finishing touches to movie so that it is completed on time