Progress Update 1

As part of our year 10 humanities course, we are able to research a project of our own choice, and to create an outcome to showcase our final exhibition in term 4. The topic that we have chosen to research is a mix of history, geography and economics. Our main focus area is on the plague and the effects it had on Europe. The steps that I have completed so far are the source analysis and the capabilities in our work book. As a group we decided on our plan for continuing the project which included our main idea for the project. This is doing a TV, news style show and incorporating elements of our humanities topic.

Progress Update 2

The feedback we got on our last progress update was good but it made us realise that we need to include a bit more of the impact of the plague on Europe at the time. We could fix this by incorporating a section in our tv show which outlines the effect it had on people at the time, this could be something like a lifestyle segment. As a group we are now writing our scripts based on the research we individually collected on our characters. We have also started to pick out our costumes based on the characters we are in the show, this includes things like flagellants and peasants. We have decided to make a modern version of the plague in the show but still the same outcomes, this means that instead of having a farmer/peasant we are having a tradie and we are changing other aspects of the show to make it more interesting. Overall, we are working well as a group and we’re collaborating effectively as well as sharing the load around evenly.


Week 2 – Tuesday

Period 1

  • Start completing prt 12 of booklet
    • insert reflections
  • Check marking rubric
  • Group chat

Period 2

  • Start writing script
  • Collect other group member’s character backgrounds
    • needed for script
  • Start keeping notes for reflection
  • Start thinking of of costumes


  • start writing progress update
  • continue writing script
  • check up with Ms Bottomley
  • Start Brainstorming for prt 13
  • Find costumes


  • continue Brainstorming for prt 13
  • Collect and produce feedback
  • Take all continuous thoughts from peer feedback
  • Continue writing script
  • Group chat
    • who’s doing what
    • most important thing needed to be completed
  • continue finding costumes
  • Finish script

Week 3 – Tuesday

Period 1

  • Feedback on script
  • Find area for filming
  • Start storyboard
  • Continue prt 13

Period 2

  • Check costumes/ create costumes + props needed for video
  • Start brainstorming how to present final product for exhibition
  • Start designing setup for exhibition

3 thoughts on “HUMANITIES 2021

  1. Looks good Sienna!! It will be interesting to watch your TV show on the effects of the plague, maybe also include the impact it had on the lives of people living in Europe at the time.👍

  2. Looks great Sienna!! Can’t wait to watch your TV show on the effects of the plague. Next time, try to include the impact it had on the lives of people living in Europe at the time.👍🏾

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