Sophie Brown

All About Me (In Chinese)

What I Learned in Chinese this Term

This term in Chinese we learnt how to count to 10 in Chinese and how to write the characters. After this, we learnt how pinyin sounds in Chinese. A normal letter A would sound like an a but in Chinese, it sounds like ah. We then learnt a Chinese song called ‘listen to mum’ in Chinese it is ting mama de Hua. We then learnt how to say birthdays, ages and names. After we learnt how to construct sentences in Chinese and use a formula. We then learnt about measure words and how to construct sentences. We learnt different measure words and what they are for. Then we moved on to family and how to write characters.

Here is my Voki I made that describes me and my family.

Click the link here:

Script in English:

Hello, My name is Sophie. I’m 12 years old. In my family are Mum, Dad, little sister and me. My mum is called Jess she is 41 years old. My dad is called Cameron he is 42 years old. My little sister is called lucy she is 9 years old. I have no pets.

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