By Sue Ning

Term 1 in Chinese has been extremely fun. I learnt many new things over the course of this period. Something that I learnt was measure words. I didn’t recently know that there were measure words in chinese, and this helped me a lot. I now know about how to say things about my family. I also know who to talk about animals, or my own pets. Another thing that I recently learnt was about animals. I now know about snakes, fish, dogs and cats, as well as how to say them. I also learnt how to write this term. This is something that I haven’t covered before, and it was quite fun learning how to write different characters. This term had been enjoyable and I’ve liked it.

Script in english:

Hello, my name is Sue Ning. I am twelve years old. I have three people in my family, my dad, mum and I. I do not have any siblings. I have 2 guinea pigs, Oreo and Billie. My birthday is the 3rd of November. My dad is 49 years old, my mum is 50.

bye bye