For our improved model, we changed the cross bracing technique for the tiers. In our original prototype, the cross bracing is only half what it is in our new one. This greater cross bracing will offer further sturdiness which wasn’t achieved previously.

We also added a definite double stacking for the exterior sticks, with this not being found on the original as it was only a potential idea. Double stacking will add extra support for the exterior pasta sticks, in an effort to improve its stability and strength so it is less likely to collapse under any pressure from the earthquake simulator.

We however were unable to fit anytime in to test our new design, although our research shows that these inclusions would have a positive effect on our structures overall sturdiness.


Overall, I enjoyed this project with it containing many challenges but also many successes which made the challenges worth it. Constructing with the pasta noodles proved to be much harder than what I’d originally thought, as you’d have to take into consideration many things in order to not snap the noodle or collapse your structure.

Using blu tack as your main connecter also came along with some challenges. My group and I found that some times the noodles would simply fall out of the blu tack, with there not being the proper amount to hold it in place. Although, the blu tack also offered something which other connecters would’ve been unable to. Using the blu tack to connect our structures ground floor to the bench mat provided a lot of support against the shaking of the earthquake simulator.

I would like to do a project similar to this in later years, as I feel like it taught me valuable lessons which couldn’t be taught elsewhere.