STEM in Sport

This term in Innovat[ED] I chose to do STEM in sport with Mr Haxby instead of $20 Boss. so far we have had a look at how stem can work in sport for example we looked at different athletes like Dennis Rodman because he used stem to study how the ball would act and bounce so he can get in position to receive the ball. So the task we were assigned for the term was to choose a sport and find a skill of some sort and use stem to improve it and make it better. So I choose hockey and worked on the accuracy of my short handle hits to make my passes more accurate. and from the results so far I have gotten much more accurate because of my research on how to be more accurate. I used stem to determine where on the ball I should hit, where I should stand, my body position, and my follow-through. All of these factors have changed the accuracy of my hitting positivley.

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