The Addams Family 2023 – All Saints College

Lurch and the Ancestors – Tyson Neill and the ancestors 💀

The 2023 college production was the Addams Family. This one event changed my life for the better. Here is my little story about the lovely journey I made from the start to finish of the production.

In my junior school years, I worked on Animal Farm. I was involved with the tech side of things. I worked and did the microphones for the actors with the help of my superiors. As I was young and impressionable, these big senior school actors were amazing role models. I really looked up to the cast and I learnt little things on how to be a better person. When the production was over, I told myself the next time I was involved with a production, I’d be on the stage.

Fast forward to 2022, I heard that the production was going to be the Addams Family. I’m not the most shy person out there, but doing a college production was a big step out of my comfort zone (keyword was, I wish I got into acting earlier). I got told that I’d be a good Lurch by a couple teachers, and as I am familiar with the show, I thought that too. I wasn’t going to audition, but then I realised that there were no other tall and handsome gentlemen that could be Lurch. So, ignoring all the nervousness, I auditioned. I got the role instantly, I didn’t even need to do anything. I showed up and Ms. Parker was sold. And so began the long and arduous road to becoming an actor.

The first month or two of rehearsals were rough. I was trying to act cool and standoffish but I quickly realised that I couldn’t, due to my interesting dancing skills and the fact that I needed to become one with the cast. Pushing through the embarrassment, I tried my hardest at every rehearsal, striving to improve and to fit in. I was familiar with the ensemble, but I didn’t personally know anyone all that well. I put myself out there and I started talking to people; best choice I could have made. Over the production I gained many friends, hopefully life long.

The weeks rolled by and all of a sudden I was a month out from the production. This is when it got serious. My acting and singing improved exponentially, increasing all the way up until the last performance. I was extremely excited the whole time and I couldn’t wait to perform.

The Addams Family Pre Show/Opening – Tyson Neill, ft. Thing 🖐🏻

David opens the doors for me. I walk out into the darkness of the CPA. I walk onto the stage. Slowly, I turn and look out into the crowd. “Ugghhhhhhhhh…” I slowly scan the crowd, then turn and focus on the piano. I walk over. Ever so slowly. I stand and mount the piano. At a snail’s pace, I neatly tidy my tail coat and lower myself down. I extend my hands out and begin the pre show…

Move Towards The Darkness (solo) – Tyson Neill 🎤

… “My son, you are a true Addams” – Gomez. lights cut, piano plays. I run up the stairs. I find center on the bridge. Spotlight on. I take a deep breath, and start singing “🎵 move toward the darkness! 🎵” …

These two moments are my key takeaways. I was the first and last character seen, as I entered and began the preshow, and when I slowly walked off at the end. I was also the last character to sing a solo. These two moments were huge as I was a newbie actor (and singer), delivering the first and final blows of the production. I was so extremely nervous as I waited for my cue to sing my song. The first time I sung it I nearly tripped over the staircase on the way up. The last time I sung it I poured my passion into it and I didn’t sound half bad.

So that concludes my Addams Family story. I loved every second of it and I will never forget it. I hope that acting opportunities present themselves to me in the future and that I have the courage to pursue them.

If you are reading this as a fresh senior school student in year 7 or 8, I encourage you to do drama. I always thought that drama was weird, and to be honest, it is. But not weird in the way I thought it was. Sure there are some questionable vocal warmups, were you invent new sounds, but this is all part of the weird and wonderful beauty of the acting world. The moments that make you laugh, the silly things you do and the people you talk to and interact with, are all part of the amazing experience. The friends I’ve made during my time mean the world to me. The Addams family truly are family.

I’ll leave you with a quote, taken from my song.

“Move towards the darkness, welcome the unknown.” – Tyson Neill and the Addams Family 🖤

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