“My House of Values”

Core Values:
Gratitude :
The first value that I have chosen is the concept of gratitude. This is ranked as one of the highest on my “House of Values”, and I consider it to be a prominent guide for the way in which I live my life. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, or showing appreciation for something. The world continues to be a harsh place, in which people suffer with poverty, starvation, and war. This is especially relevant at the current time, as Russia and Ukraine are in an ongoing physical conflict. All of the tragedies listed above remind me of the importance of gratitude. I feel empathy for those who are placed in these situations, and be thankful that I am in a location where I will not be affected by these negative scenarios. It is highly important that you appreciate almost everything in your life, as others may not be in such a lucky position.
Well – Being:
Something else that I strongly believe in is the importance of well – being. There have been a number of occasions where I have felt exhausted and upset, where I have been distracted and stressed out by certain factors. In these troubling times I focus on my well – being. Well – being is state of health, happiness and comfort. If I did not use this value in my life I would most likely be unhappy and unsatisfied. Here are a few techniques I use to achieve and increase my overall well – being:
- Adequate amount of physical activity
- Consuming a balanced diet
- Regular meditation
- Social contact with others
These techniques are specific to me, as achieving well – being can be a very personal thing. Other people may use different methods to reach this state of happiness and health which can be just as effective. Well – being also has an impact on my decision making, as I will alter my choices based on my overall mental and physical health. I strongly believe that personal well – being is important, as it allows people to overcome difficulties and successfully follow their goals in life.
The final value that I have chosen to discuss is trust. Trust is the strong belief in the reliability and truth in someone else. Trust is an incredibly important concept to me as it takes a long time to be gained, and has only been developed by my family and a few close friends. If someone were to build up trust with me they should be honest, kind, inclusive, and have respect for me and my beliefs. It also has a large impact on my relationships and interactions, as I will stay true to my identity when I am around people that I can trust. In conclusion, trust is a very important value in my life. It allows me to act like myself, and is the foundation of the relationships in my life.
Healthy & Unhealthy Role Models
Healthy Role Model – Cristiano Ronaldo
What behaviours does this person demonstrate to show that they are healthy?
Cristiano Ronaldo is a famous social figure, and is renowned for being one of the most athletic players in the history of soccer. In order to achieve this status of athleticism and skill he has had to be incredibly hard – working. He has also incorporated many behaviors to demonstrate his overall condition of physical and mental health.
Eating Habits:
Cristiano Ronaldo is very serious about his diet and the food that he consumes. When interviewed he said, “I eat a high protein diet, with lots of wholegrain carbs, fruit and vegetables, and avoid eating sugary foods”. He has hired a personal dietician who organises his daily food consumption, serving him six small meals per day. Cristiano Ronaldo also believes that staying hydrated through water is important, and to generally avoid soft drinks and alcohol. Alcoholism led to the death of his father, therefore he tries to limit the amount he will take. Some of his favourite food products include swordfish, ham, steak, and various salads.
Physical Activity
To attain his great condition Cristiano Ronaldo also completes a lot of physical activity per day. He claims, “A good diet must be combined with a good workout”. When training for soccer matches he prefers to focus on his cardio, and thoroughly enjoys high – intensity drills. “We do a good amount of sprinting drills in training which can be used during the game” says Ronaldo. When in the gym he focuses on cardiovascular training, and aims to target all areas of his body to develop his stamina and strength.
What do they look like? Are they healthy? How do you know?

Cristiano Ronaldo regularly engages in vigorous physical activity and strict eating habits to ensure he is healthy. He has a phenomenal physique, which implies that his healthy habits are useful for his physical figure and his stamina on the pitch. Images of his physique show that he has a lot of upper body strength, with his chest and shoulder muscles being clearly defined. His abdominals muscles are mainly symmetrical, and his leg strength has been properly developed due to his long experience with soccer.
In addition, there is also scientific evidence to prove that he is truly healthy. When Cristiano Ronaldo joined Juventus F.C they conducted a standard medical test to evaluate his fitness. These results showed that he has a body fat percentage of 7%, (average player has 11%), and had higher muscle mass than average. Cristiano Ronaldo was 33 years old at the time, therefore the doctors at the medical examination were surprised. His results were of such a high standard that his work – rate was compared to a 23 year old athlete!
What message does this person promote? Why is it inspiring and healthy?

Cristiano Ronaldo is an exceptional soccer player, and is one of the highest paid athletes in the world. He suggests that his success is due to hard – work, and believes that it is highly important to be hard – working to achieve your goals. “If you have talent but don’t work hard, you wont win anything. In my career, I’ve always worked hard in training and games. It’s hard work which achieves success.” claims Ronaldo. To promote his dedication to soccer he often engages in routines that are undesirable, but will improve his performance and how he recovers. A few examples include ice baths, gym sessions and a healthy diet. All of the activities listed above show that he is hard – working, sacrificing moments of comfort so that he can become more successful. Many people find this attitude to be very inspiring, and will try to implement similar healthy habits in their life.
Why should young people look up to this person as a role model?
There is many reasons as to why young people should look up to Cristiano Ronaldo. As I stated in the previous paragraphs, he has a clear determination to sustain his healthy lifestyle. He achieves this goal with regular exercise, a clean diet, and taking time to focus on his mental health. All of these behaviours are extremely beneficial for the human body and mind. It would be a positive thing for children to look up to such a person as a role model, rather than idolise someone who will not teach them good values.

Thinking back to your House of Values activity, what values does this person demonstrate?
After analysing my “House of Values”, I realised that Cristiano Ronaldo uses the value of well – being. He is mainly known for being physically healthy and active. Although this is a valid aspect, he is also very aware of his overall mental health. He states, “Learn to train your mind as well as your body. Mental strength is just as important as physical strength and will help you achieve your goals”. Cristiano Ronaldo also believes in discipline and staying motivated and strict with his routine. When he is not exercising, he sustains a calm and restful life. Ronaldo also spends a large amount of his spare time with his family so he can have a positive mindset.
Unhealthy Role Model – Snoop Dogg
What behaviours does this person demonstrate to show that they are unhealthy?
Snoop Dogg is an acclaimed rapper and a media personality. He has a large fan – following and has many sponsorships with different companies, however he also demonstrates many unhealthy behaviours through his daily lifestyle. Promoting such behaviours would be dangerous for children, who may copy his actions if they look up to him.
Drug Use:

It is widely known that Snoop Dogg often takes pleasure in using drugs. After graduating from high school in 1989, he was arrested for possession of cocaine and for the following three years was frequently in and out of prison. In 1990, he was convicted of felony possession of drugs and possession for sale. He was also banned from entering Norway for two years in July 2012 after entering the country the month before in possession of 8 grams of marijuana. Most famously, after performing for a concert in Uppsala, Sweden on July 25, 2015, he was pulled over and detained by Swedish police for allegedly using illegal drugs.
Another one of Snoop Dog’s bad behaviours is his frequent involvement with violence. While recording a music video in August 1993, Snoop Dogg was arrested in connection with the death of a member of a rival gang who was allegedly shot and killed by his bodyguard. Both men were charged with murder, as Snoop Dogg was driving the vehicle from which the gun was fired. He was detained at John Wayne Airport in California by airport security, after airport screeners found a collapsible police baton in his carry-on bag. These examples shows that Snoop Dogg has violent tendencies, something which is bad for children.
What do they look like? Do they look unhealthy? How do you know?
Snoop Dogg is an African – American male who is 50 years old. He has quite a skinny figure, with a tattoo visible on his bicep. Based on various images it is clear that his body does not carry much muscle mass. Similarly, his leg muscles are not well – defined, however the absence of these features may not dictate his overall health. Based on images alone it is hard to evaluate whether he is healthy or not, however his consistent use of drugs have likely impacted his physical and mental health. This means that Snoop Dogg is probably not healthy.
What message does this celebrity promote? Why is it unhealthy?

The messages that Snoop Dogg promotes are incredibly unhealthy, one of them being extreme violence. In regards to his behaviours of violence, he also suggested that people should attack police officers. In July 2017 he said, “Tables turned 1 point for us . F. T. P. It’s bout that time.” The acronym F.T.P stands for “F – The Police”. As I mentioned previously, he also has a great affiliation with the use of narcotics. In majority of his songs he uses incredibly inappropriate lyrics, and discusses his connections with gang violence. Famously, in the song called “The Next Episode”, he states the phrase “Smoke Weed Everyday”, meaning he is actively promoting the use of drugs.
Do you think young people should look up to this person as a role model? Why or why not?
Young people should definitely not look up to Snoop Dogg as a role model. A role model is a person whose behaviour in a particular role is imitated by others. Based on my research, Snoop Dogg has a history with the use of illegal drugs, and a criminal record filled with violence / assault. If a young person were to follow such a dangerous lifestyle they would risk death, and will not be able to live their life to the fullest potential.
Is everything you hear, read or see in the media true? Discuss.

In my opinion, everything I hear, read and see in the media may not be true. Over the past 25 years the internet has undergone a rapid expansion, meaning that there are many more websites to research for information. This increases the probability for “Fake News” to be spread around. “Fake News” is false information used to influence society, often leading in political views being swayed. This can be used for celebrities as well. Many role – models that are currently famous may not follow their public beliefs, and are painted as good people when in reality they act differently behind the scene.
Snoop Dogg: Why the rapper is unfazed by his bad-boy image | The Independent | The Independent
Snoop Dogg Encouraging Violent Attacks On Police, ‘It’s Bout That Time’ – Blue Lives Matter
What are Cristiano Ronaldo’s diet, workout and fitness secrets? | Goal.com
Snoop Dogg sued for alleged sexual assault and battery | Snoop Dogg | The Guardian
Snoop Dogg | Biography, Albums, & Facts | Britannica
Cristiano Ronaldo Biography: The Man Who Eats, Drinks, And Sleeps Soccer – Make Use Live
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