overview of the project;
this project was a statistics/sustainability project, meaning that we needed to choose a topic within/related to sustainability and then find data on that said subject then display said data in a way that is easy to understand. i.e. by creating a moving bar chart or bubble graph or something more visual rather then the sets of data
My project;
my group focused from the beginning onto the health of the ocean, but what we eventually went with was coral coverage in the great barrier reef over recent years (from 1985 till 2018) we went with the great barrier reef as it is more topical for where I live and is one of the world biggest, more diverse and best preserved reefs in the world. we decided to represent the data that we found was by a moving line chart and a short video which was a general over view of the great barrier reef.
over this project I have discovered many things about research, display of data, group work and general presentation skills. This shows that the project was not only an interesting and educational experience for the audience (as the product is showing people an answer to a problem or addressing). But this was educational experience for my and my group also by teaching us the skills I mentioned before, one of the biggest realisations I have made is how easy it is to display data in various online graphs making it h=easy to understand large sets of data, so I may use those sorts of skills in the feature.
everyone in the group did their part, with Ethan largely doing the PowerPoint Lana working on the video and me on the research (as well as everyone tacking part in all parts of the prosses) but we also all took part in the creation of the idea and how to display the data.