HASS Yr 10 Term 3 & 4 Progress Update

Task Overview

Our task for this Humanities Project is to construct a presentation about two of the following areas, Economics, Civics, Geography and History. For our chosen subject areas, we decided on History and Civics which would lead to us completing thorough research on multiple questions that will take us to our next chapter in the project which for us was a 3D model. Through the rest of the year we will work on our presentation until the due date where we invited our parents in to present our creation to them.

Team Partner

Jayden Gregory

Progress Update and what we have achieved so far

At the end of term three, Jayden and I completed our research question on his area of Civics, and my area of History. Together our research combined for about 15 questions that were thoroughly researched. We had to summarize the website and state it’s relevance in our bibliography which was told to be around 100 words each. As for the other parts of the bibliography we had to include the website, author and the date when the post on the website was published. Another thing Jayden and I achieved was gaining an understanding in each others areas of interest about the project. This lead to us having better communication throughout the week and checking up of each other to make sure we met the deadlines that were set by us. Overall the first part of our project will have a massive impact on the presentation and I believe that the early progress we have made will truly shine in our final days of the project.

Our plan for our future

The original plan for our future was to create some design/ prototype that would present all of the information that we collected. We were going to go to stores and get supplies to construct a 3D model that would present the final workings of our project. Also we will create small little pieces of information that will be around our masterpiece that will allow our audience to gain incite to this specific overall question.

Some difficulties we have found

Some difficulties my partner and I discovered whilst working was that we both intended to be quite chatty and sometimes it would lead up to going off topic and harder to focus. This would happen quite often if people around us were talking and we couldn’t concentrate properly. This problem was simply fixed by going out to the breakout space outside the classroom which was much quieter and was a better environment to work in.

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